In Memorium: Dr. Jason Tabick

 In Volunteer

By Ciudad Refugio

Ciudad Refugio shares in the sorrow over the passing of Dr. Jason Tabick.  He completed his race and was promoted on glory on May 20, 2019.

Dr. Jason Tabick loved telling the Chiropractic story from the homeless to the famous and in between. He had a beautiful way of seeing each person as a  special creation of God. An avid BJ Palmer GreenBook reader, he practiced the Upper Cervical Knee Chest work taught by Lyle Sherman and Dr Kale. A gentle giant. Always serving for the benefit of others out of abundance! He was a Christian man leaving behind his bride of Sandra.

On behalf of Ciudad Refugio, we offer our deepest condolences to the family and everyone at World Care Specific Chiropractic Missions.  We have truly been blessed by Dr. Tabick’s service to the people of Colombia and been deeply touched by his heart to serve and love others.  We will miss him! But we know with hope, he is resting in the arms of his Savior and we will see him again on the other shore.

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