By Merlin M. | Volunteer While the world is following after Marie Kondo to teach them to organize their lives; Ciudad Refugio was blessed to have been taught by our very own Pastor Marilu on how [...]
By Merlin M. |Short -Term Volunteer For the first time in the history of Ciudad Refugio, Pastor Douglas and Harry went on a trip abroad to the United Stated together from October 10- October 31, [...]
Prayer and Missions working collaboratively. In 1727, 24 men and 24 women agreed to spend an hour each day on scheduled prayer, praying in sequence around the clock. Soon others joined the prayer [...]
Por: Mayra | Personal Llevo dos años y cuatro meses en la fundación. Soy originaria de Ecuador, pero antes de llegar a la fundación tenía una muy buena amiga en Colombia que había sido voluntaria [...]
Por Gustavo Ruiz |Graduado de Summit International School of Ministry, voluntario a largo plazo Serví durante tres años en Ciudad Refugio en diversas capacidades: en el ministerio de hombres, en [...]
Paola | Staff I grew up in a very legalistic and religious church that had good doctrine but the spiritual realities of the Christian life was not talked about often, and especially the spiritual [...]
By Michelle A. | Staff & Local Missionary My professor had shared with me about the work of Ciudad Refugio but I believe it was God through him guiding me towards this place. I was working [...]
Dictated by Lucas | Staff Hello friends and fur buddies! My name is Lucas, and like many that come to the foundation I came because I did not have a home. As a dog it was very difficult finding a [...]
By Luis Tapasco | Men´s Program Graduate, Ciudad Refugio Leader When I was an adolescent I began to drink alcohol and spend time in clubs. As I grew older I continued in this lifestyle and at [...]