By : Murn J. | Volunteer I first arrived at Ciudad Refugio in January as a member of a World Race team. We were supposed to spend two months in Colombia followed by two months in Ecuador and then [...]
By : Merlin M. | Volunteer For more than two years, Ciudad Refugio has been praying and seeking ways to evangelize our immediate neighborhood, Prado Centro. For those who aren’t aware, [...]
Por : Pastor Douglas En los días en que vivimos, estoy agradecido de ser parte del cuerpo de Cristo y por el privilegio de ser su luz y paz para el mundo atribulado que nos rodea. Al igual que [...]
By : Michaela S. | Practicum Student My name is Michaela and I’m a university student in Social Work from Sweden. I was interested in doing my semester of practice in Colombia and that led [...]
Dear family, It is with much anticipation that I announce we have received final approval to start the demolition and construction of the new building. D-day is set for December 1, 2019 and we [...]
By : Merlin M. | Volunteer Ciudad Refugio was given a unique opportunity this school year to facilitate an English Club for students at a local high school. Teams of volunteers would walk to the [...]
By : Team Seattle | Short- Term Volunteers Our time at Ciudad Refugio was incredible! For many people on our team this was our first mission trip and going in, we had very little idea of what to [...]
By Merlin M. | Volunteer Recently, Ciudad Refugio has been creating quite a stir in the local media here in Colombia. We have been honored to have been featured on two different new media [...]
By Yeyson M. and Merlin M. | Volunteers Ciudad Refugio is honored to be able to share the testimony of Yeyson Marin, a recent graduate of our restoration program and a current volunteer at the [...]
By Ciudad Refugio Ciudad Refugio shares in the sorrow over the passing of Dr. Jason Tabick. He completed his race and was promoted on glory on May 20, 2019. Dr. Jason Tabick loved telling the [...]