In the News!
By Merlin M. | Volunteer
Recently, Ciudad Refugio has been creating quite a stir in the local media here in Colombia. We have been honored to have been featured on two different new media outlets in the past week. And earlier this summer, Pastor Douglas was asked to share at a BiteTalk here in Medellin about how to care for and best assist the poor all around us.
Please check out the links below to learn more:
Ciudad Refugio was featured on the Noticias Caracol nightly news. Program graduates were able to share of the impact of the ministry on their lives. Also, the homeless shelter and bakery projects were featured as part of the news report. The report ended with our hopes for expansion with the new building project that we plan to begin in the upcoming months.
Ciudad Refugio was featured in a newspaper article in Q’hubo on Thursday, August 22nd, titled: “The angels of the homeless”. The article shared of the history of the ministry and how it began with Pastors Douglas and Marilu sharing agua panela and bread on the street. It also spoke of the testimony of volunteers such as Luis Tapasco, who is a program graduate and current leader for the men’s program. Lastly, the article shared of how the foundation is home for many volunteers from all around the world and how everyone works and functions as one big family.
In July, Pastor Douglas was asked to share at a BiteTalk in Medellin. This event was structured similarly to the more widely known Ted Talks. Pastor Douglas spoke on the topic of how best to help the poor while balancing our good intentions and what is ultimately best for them long term. He emphasized how the church must find the right formula to save souls but also save lives as well. Three key points Pastor Douglas stressed upon was how the church can transform the lives of the needy around us by offering: relief for immediate needs, restoration, and development. We should be a voice for those who don’t have a voice and treat them with dignity and respect. And most of all, we must work to not build dependency but elevation from their current status.
We are truly grateful for every opportunity to share who we are and what we do. We pray that each time we are featured that the name of Jesus will be lifted up and that lives are impacted for the Kingdom of God.