I Checked into the Drug Rehab Program

 In Rehabilitation Programs, Short-Term Volunteer, Transition Program, Volunteer Team

By Morgan F. |World Race Team Member

I’ll admit I have a huge problem with drugs.

I honestly was blinded of my problem until now. Personally I never had any experience with drugs prior to arriving in Medellín, Colombia.

My sheltered bubble was popped. My eyes were opened and what I saw absolutely broke my heart. I was introduced to the haunting control drugs can hold on someone’s life.

The drugs themselves did not influence me directly. What appalled me most was witnessing the power and damage drugs cause in people’s lives. It’s sickening. It’s disturbing. It’s sad.

The problem is drugs!

Let me tell you about my problem with drugs.

Drugs rip people of their freedom.

Drugs contaminate people’s minds with lies.

Drugs numb people from pain and emotions, even the good ones.

Drugs control a person’s mind, body, and decisions.

Drugs tear apart families.

Drugs ruin dreams.

Let’s start looking at the drugs as the evil and the drug users as people just like you and I; people who are worthy of being loved, people with families, people with stories, people with dreams, people who have made mistakes, and people who need to be forgiven.

The problem is not drug users. Hate the sin not the sinner!

The moment my perspective changed was the moment I entered the women’s drug rehabilitation program. Not because I received healing and freedom from my addiction but because God broke my heart over the effects drug addiction had on His daughters. Living alongside these amazing women gave me so much life and deepened my faith.

The testimonies the women shared were filled with agony, loss, mistakes, shame, and guilt. I would go even as far as to say drugs ruin lives but these women showed me otherwise. Without Jesus that’s where the story might end but because of his power to change hearts and break the chains of addiction, these women were offered a better path for their lives through his steadfast love and grace. These women tell stories about attempting to break their addiction on their own strength but the stories always ended back at drugs. Ciudad Refugio invited these women into the foundation and opened a space asking God to heal the brokenness of addiction by giving them hope in an relentless source, Jesus Christ.

It’s completely evident that God is working through Ciudad Refugio and in the lives of these beautiful women. Despite abandoning their old lifestyles, missing their families and battling lies from the enemy, these ladies show incredible bravery and strength. I am encouraged by the healing God has already done and the faith that these women have in the midst of their trials. I left the program with a better understanding of God’s character and his love for his children. Please pray for the women in the program!

God bless Ciudad Refugio and the work that this ministry is doing for the Kingdom of God!

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