The Fighting Spirit of Colombian Women
By Blanca Garcia | Summer Intern & Summit Int’l School of Ministry Alumni So often cities are sealed and marked by their past, and as history has it, Medellin, Colombia is one of the [...]
The Why of Serving
By Janie W. | Summer Intern & Student @ Summit Int’l School of Ministry Chase every opportunity to know Jesus more. Regardless of what this looks like we have to commit ourselves to [...]
En Sus Sonrisas
Por Mateo | Voluntario en el ministerio de aguapanela Mi experiencia al servir en el ministerio de aguapanela ha impactado profundamente mi corazón. He aprendido que todos, cada uno de los [...]
A Grateful Heart
By Dr. Jessica Quintero-Villa | Chiropractor Volunteer I have had the privilege of working alongside the foundation two years in a row and it has been the most rewarding experience! I am a [...]